Humanity’s current food production methods are straining the earth and its natural resources. With no end in sight for population growth, more demand means that more and more land is cleared for farming annually. To keep up with production rates in the midst of increasing climate crises, chemical fertilizers and GMO crops are evermore prevalent. This combination of unsustainable practices is not only destroying our land and water, but is also deleterious to our health. With the stark realities of the looming climate crises, and the growing trend of rising food cost, we need to shift to sustainable ways of growing food locally while regenerating the earth.
The practice of using worms to convert food waste into fertilizer has been around for centuries. Today, the practice of vermicomposting has made a resurgence and at-home vermicomposting has exploded to immense levels. Also, with an ever-heightened focus on sustainable alternatives to ammonia-based fertilizer, and higher yielding soil amendments, vermicomposting businesses have become significant players in the agriculture and gardening sectors.
Vermicomposting is not only beneficial to the environment. It is also beneficial to your health, your relationships, the community, and even your economic situation. Replenishing the Earth with vermicompost is one action you can take to align to your moral center.

Divert Food Waste from the
Waste Stream
Reduce air pollution
Reduce greenhouse gasses
Reduce electricity costs*
* For communities who burn waste for energy, food waste lowers the efficiency of combustion systems

Create High Quality
Regenerates soil
Replaces climate-damaging fertilizers
Encourages gardening and food growing at home

Grow an Environmentally Conscious Community
Collaborate with family and neighbors
Partner with local businesses to catch food waste
Educate others about the earth’s natural food-growing technology
Enrich children's learning
Connect with the earth

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”